Equality and inclusion

Titans Community Foundation - Registered Charity No:1112722 Company Registration No: 05567014 Registered Office: , Clifton LaneSports Ground, Badsley Moor Lane, Rotherham S60 2SN

Titans Community Foundation Policies and ProceduresEquality, Inclusivity & Diversity Policy Reviewed September 2024  The Titans Community Foundation (TCF) supports the principles of Equality, Inclusivity & Diversity both in employment and in the opportunities and programmes it offers to children and young people.

The TCF opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, immigration status, health or disability.

The TCF recognises that direct and indirect discrimination might take place and therefore sees the need for a positive and effective Equality, Inclusivity & Diversity Policy.  

The TCF monitors all recruitment processes for staff, as well as applications for the courses it offers. The programmes offered in schools and the wider community are designed to be open to all and aim to positively discriminate, where possible, to ensure support is offered to all.This policy is reviewed by the Trustees of the TCF at least every 3 years, or as legislation dictates.

Equality, Inclusivity & Diversity Policy Procedurefor recruitment/staffing

We will promote the concept of equality of opportunity, inclusivity and diversity throughout the organisation.

In particular we will ensure that:  Entry into employment with the TCF will be determined only by personal merit and the application of criteria which are related to the duties of each particular position. In all cases, ability to perform the job will be the primary consideration.  

The TCF welcomes diversity amongst its employees and seeks to ensure all candidates for employment are treated fairly, and that selection is based on the individual’s abilities and qualifications.  In recruitment and selection, candidates will be assessed against relevant criteria only i.e. ability, experience, qualifications and skills.

These selection criteria will be clearly defined and reflected in in the particulars of each job advert, in materials sent to applicants. All those handling applications and conducting interviews must be aware of the principles of the Equality Act 2010.  

Shortlisting and interviewing will be based on the specifications and the agreed selection criteria. Where possible 2 people will be involved in the process. Judgements will be based on facts rather than impressions.  

Details of candidates and selection decisions will be kept for at least 6 months after an appointment has been made.  All employees will have equal opportunity for CPD, for training and development and for promotion.

All employees will be given a full induction programme, which will include reference to the TCF Equal Opportunities Policy. Recruitment procedures and practices will be kept under review to ensure this policy is adhered to and to ensure that they do not include requirements and conditions which constitute, or may lead to, unlawful discrimination.

Equality, Inclusivity & Diversity Policy Procedure for courses/working with children/young people/specific groups

We will promote the concept of equality of opportunity throughout the organisation, including the planning for future programmes and applications for funding.

In particular we will ensure that:  Access to sessions run by the TCF will be open to all and, where a charge is made, this will be reduced or waived for those on UC  Specific programmes will be developed and offered to special schools, SEND units/classes, PRU’s and adults and young people with disabilities.

In planning for future funding applications, priority will be given to acquiring grants to support the on-going work already in place for these groups .

All staff working for the TCF will undergo training in how to support these groups and develop their approaches to engaging them in the courses offered.

The TCF will work with Rotherham Titans Rugby Club to ensure that facilities for these groups are improved and any future developments will enhance provision for them, where possible.